Leila Maidana-Holen
“My faith demands–this is not optional—
my faith demands that I do whatever I can,
wherever I am, whenever I can,
for as long as I can with whatever I have to try to make a difference. “
– Jimmy Carter
What is a Mission Statement?
For me, when I see that question, the first thing that comes to mind is that I want to be the best person I can be. I want to accomplish many things in the rest of my life and I want to be successful in school, work and life. I excel at getting the most out of life, and I never say “no” to a challenge. I would love to visit Egypt and the pyramids, and Paris in the spring. Beyond that, I want to be happy, always a smile on my face, and to be considered a good friend. The quote above by Jimmy Carter is one that I embrace, because I too want to make a difference.
I try and treat people fairly, but sometimes I need to have a connection with them first. I would like to be treated like an equal, but I know that sometimes people tend to look at you differently if you are not one of the regulars. I was raised that you are put on this earth to be a helper, be respectful and try your best. I feel I have done that in my life. And I want the world to be a better place for those who follow us.
I know that everyone has a bad day, but I do not want their frustrations to flow over into life, and affect me. I try and make others feel better, but that is not always possible in life. I have walked away from my share of “messes” but at least I tried. I never tell a person “no” if they ask me for help and it is a reasonable request. If I do not get a good vibe, I will refuse and hope that they do not take exception to my refusal. One has to do what they feel is best. I desire a job in the non-profit sector because I feel that there is where I would serve the community the best.
When I graduate from school, I hope that I will be working with a non-profit in a marketing management role, raising money for their causes. I am an introvert, but when I am passionate about things, I am fierce in my commitment and I am extrovert when I need to be one. I feel that some days I will fail, but as the days pass and I am closer to my dreams, I feel that I will do well.
My goals short term are to finish school and obtain a job. Long term goals include working for five to seven years in the dream job and walking away with the feeling that I accomplished something and made a difference. I want to make a difference and I want to leave a mark in the world.
I do not feel that this is a final draft, as I feel that I am a work in progress and will never be truly done, as it is liking opening your eyes in the morning, you never know what life is going to throw your way and you need to go with the flow.
Life is best enjoyed and no matter where you land, you should make the best of it and bloom. I once saw a dandelion blooming between the concrete sidewalk cracks, and to me, it was a person trying to bloom and grow somewhere you never would expect to find someone blooming. Life is about taking chances!

My final thought is that in searching for my motto to live by, I found a website with inspirational quotes and readings, www.Beliefnet.com, which inspires a person to be their best. We should all have that motto in life.