Floor Plans and Dress Barn!

One of my favorite stores in Valley View Mall is Dress Barn and I love the layout of the store.  One might say that the same can be boring, but I do not feel that way.

The layout is angular and seems to wrap around the dressing rooms. While one side may be a certain range of sizes, the other side is also of a certain size, not style.  If one should go in for the first time, they would not be unsure of where they are, as the styles are the same, it is just a layout dividing the sizes.  When I first entered the store, I was surprised by how nice the layout was and no directions needed on where things were.  Is this a smart move?  Yes, because it is pleasing to the customer and welcomes the person in and invites them to stay awhile.

I love Dress Barn, and floor plan layout is one reason!

I have attached the paper I wrote in more detail, attached here!
